Life of John Heskins 2

One morning, in reply to an inquiry respecting his feelings, he said to his beloved sister—
"'Content my Father with thy will, 
And quiet as a child;' 
That's how I am, my dear."
To a similar question, at another time, he replied with great energy, "Oh, very well! there's not a single jar in the whole machine—it all goes smoothly."
One day, when really weaker, and less able to enjoy his food than usual, he looked up with a countenance full of gratitude and benignity, and said, "I wish all the world were as happy as I."
To a friend, who happened to remark that the weather was dull, he Quickly replied, " Oh, don't say that any thing is dull here I we don't know what the word means." Having walked round the garden one morning, and brought in some (lowers, he said, "How beautiful! and then to enjoy Christ in all!" His eyes were overflowing with tears as he spoke.
One evening, as some friends were about to leave him to attend public service In the house of God, he said, "Ah, if I could, I would gladly go with you. Let us have that hymn,

|"1 love the windows of thy grace 
Through which my Lord is seen.'" 

He always wished the twilight hour to be spent in singing.
One morning he told his sister, that if he had not, like Paul, been "caught up into the third heavens," he had enjoyed such manifestations of the love of Christ that he could truly say, "Whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell.
Referring to the dying words of a beloved niece, twelve months before, he said, "What an expressive word that was of dear 's, 'And you will soon come, uncle; I am glad I am going first; I am glad I shall not have to sec you go.'" He then inquired which day she died, and added, "I shall soon be with her."
On the last Lord's day evening he spent on earth, a beloved relative having in the course of his prayer at the family altar referred to his ardent love for the church at Shortwood, he was asked, if he had been able to join in this devotional exercise—"Oh, yes," he said, "I hope so—
'My soul shall pray for Sion still, 
While life and breath remains.'" 
A night or two before his death, his cough being worse tlian usual, he said, "This is sharp work; this cough will soon bring me down; but it must be met with christian patience, and with uncomplaining complacency in my heavenly Father's will.'
On being asked by his beloved wife, if his waking hours during the preceding night had been comfortable, he said, with great emphasis, " Oh, delightful! I have had many things communicated to me of a most interesting nature." Soon after this, he was heard to whisper—
"None but Jesus, none but Jesus 
Can do helpless sinners good.'" 
Something was then said to him about the peace of mind he enjoyed; he quoted, as in answer to the observation, those well known and expressive lines,
"Jesus, our great High Priest, 
Hath full atonement made.'" 
Whenever he heard an allusion to Mr Francis' first labours, he evinced the most genuine humility, and never suffered it to be supposed, for a single moment, that he could think with complacency on his own doings. On such occasions he usually said, "My simple trust is in the finished work of the divine Redeemer;" and would reply to an inquiry respecting the state of his mind, in the short but emphatic sentence—"not a cloud! not a cloud I"
The closing scene was now at hand. On the morning of Wednesday the 17th of October, the evidences of approaching dissolution were too distinct to be mistaken. On the preceding day our beloved friend had spent several hours in the sitting room, and on this morning too he was anxious to leave his couch and his chamber; but, listening to excuses for delay, it soon became impossible for him to reiterate his request. The writer was permitted a place in the sorrowing circle round that bed on which this man of God was "languishing into life," and had the satisfaction of witnessing the final triumph of the dying saint. A few short sentences were exchanged, "Do you now find the Saviour present with you, and precious to your soul?" "Yes, indeed, I do!" "You will soon be with him." "I hope I shall." Shortly afterwards, a wish having been expressed that the writer would lead the devotions of that weeping group, he intimated to his dying friend that he was about to engage in prayer—an intimation which was welcomed with a benignant and satisfied look, and a kind and gentle "Thank you—thank you!" These were his last words; for during that engagement the power of articulation was rest, and in a few moments the ransomed soul ascended to its rest.
The removal of such a man, in the present state of society, is no common loss. The world has few such, and in the immediate circle from which he has been taken, his loss is irreparable. The estimation in which his character was held was strongly marked on the day of his funeral. Hundreds followed his remains; the pall was borne by six neighbouring ministers; many shops were closed in the line by which the procession moved towards Shortwood; and, at the grave, and in the meeting-house, at least a thousand persons were assembled to pay their silent but cordial tribute to his worth. In several of the neighbouring pulpits, funeral sermons were delivered on the following Lord's day; while at Shortwood, where he had so long and so worthily sustained an official connexion with the church, an attempt was made to improve the dispensation in a discourse from Colossians i. 12, which was listened to by a very numerous audience, for the most part clad in the garb of mourners, gathered from the surrounding country, and from different sections of the church of Christ; but all united in the opinion, that neither the world nor the|church could well spare such a man.
In this memorial, it has been the writer's aim so to present the character of his estimable friend, as to improve the reader, as well as to interest his mind. Mr H was not a man whose eminence could be ascribed to adventitious circumstances, or to the possession of mental endowments in which few men ate permitted to share. Though his powers of understanding were originally good, and improved by habits of reading and reflection, yet to his piety, deeply seated, and diligently cultivated, must be referred both the charm of his personal character, and the rich combination of qualities by which he was fitted for most important service in the church of Christ. His religious views were moderately Calvinistic; and never was there a mind more impregnable both to ancient and modem heresies. Having at the commencement of his spiritual life sought after and found "the good old way," the growing experience of his own heart confirmed his attachment to the unsophisticated and ungarbled truth; and that truth, clear of all extravagancies and whims, rendered him a holy, happy, and useful man. Its influence on mm, and his attachment to it, combined to preserve him from those errors, both of sentiment and of spirit, which have ever abounded in the antinomian school; while he was equally secure from the more plausible and subtle inventions which even now disturb the peace of churches, and cripple the energies of good, though mistaken men.
His conscientious and devout observance of instituted means, was unquestionably instrumental in promoting the maturity to which he attained. Indeed, the very theory which he was at first led to embrace, as it combined an entire dependence on the Holy Spirit, with a full admission of the value of all the divine appointments, was likely to conduce to this result.
Reference has been made to his early morning devotions in the closet. These, on the Lord's day, were preparatory to a prayer-meeting, commencing at half past six, from which he was rarely absent during a period of many years. In this social engagement his soul delighted, and from it he often carried away a frame so heavenly, that in the domestic circle and during the more public engagements of the day, he was evidently bearing about with him the vivid impression of " things not seen."
As a hearer, he was remarkable for his attitude of fixed and prayerful thought, seldom appearing to notice any person, or any object, except that, occasionally, towards the close of the sermon, he would rise, with a heart full of love to the gospel, and to the souls of men, and by his look seem to say, "Oh, that these appeals may reach their hearts!'' To the preacher he listened, not as a critic, but as a Christian; not with "itching ears," but with a relish for the truth, and a desire to receive it for himself. Though to him every part of divine truth was welcome, that sermon best pleased him which, while it displayed the riches and the sovereignty of grace, divested the sinner of all excuse for unbelief, and pressed on the believer in Christ his obligations and responsibilities.
In reference to his official station, it has already been intimated that his qualifications were unusually ample. Prudence, zeal, temper, perseverance, a kind regard to the feelings of others, with a readiness to exercise the spirit of self-denial; these were among his prevailing characteristics. Though often prominent, and always active, there was no display, no dogmatism. It is not known, that by a severe remark, or a look of unkindness, he ever wounded the mind of a fellow-member; while his devotion to the church, and his love to the brethren, combined with the gentleness of his manner, prepared him to become a peace-maker, and a healer of the wounded.
Among the poor of the flock, Mr H was perpetually evincing the love of a brother in Christ. In a church which for many years had been steadily advancing in numbers, and which at the time of his decease consisted of about six hundred members, the great majority of whom are at all times exposed to the anxieties, and often to the sufferings of poverty, our lamented friend found ample scope for his "labours of love." It was his delight to enter the humble dwellings around, and to offer the counsel and the consolation which his own heart most readily suggested. The greater part of his time was devoted to this employ; and not only did the objects of his solicitude derive advantage from his attentions, but on the general state of the church their influence was highly beneficial.
Of his pulpit exercises the writer never had an opportunity of forming an opinion for himself; but from others he has learned that in that station, and in that employ, Mr. H was distinguished by pathos and affection, while presenting to his hearers those evangelical sentiments with which his own heart was so deeply imbued. Nor were his pulpit labours "in vain in the Lord." Immortal souls were thus "made alive from the dead;" and for him was prepared the unspeakable joy of being by them preceded or followed to the glorious inheritance above.
This admirable man seemed to live but to do his Master's work. "For him to live was Christ." When disease had weakened his frame, and rendered him incapable of exertion, no regrets for himself were heard; but it did sometimes grieve him that he could no longer visit the habitations of the poor and the afflicted. "It was in his heart" still to serve the Saviour in these "works of faith;" but his labours were terminated, and his home prepared.
Much of the foregoing memorial has necessarily been drawn from the testimony of those whose intimacy with this man of God was extended through the greater part of his valuable life. Still, the writer soon saw enough to convince him that his lamented friend was specially raised up for the position he so honourably and so usefully occupied. Nor can he permit himself to lay down his pen without recording his grateful sense of obligation for the expressions of personal respect and kindness which it was his privilege to receive. Though a much younger and less experienced man, his mind was never pained by one particle of assumption or dictation; but it was often cheered and animated by the prayers and the cordial greetings and the little quiet tokens of affectionate interest which were supplied by his lamented friend. The very grasp of his hand, and the benignant smile on the
Lord's-day, often produced tliis conviction—"His heart is all alive to the cares and fears which attend the minister of Christ in the discharge of his public duties." In seasons of depression, his sympathy was sincere and prompt; while the joys of success were heightened and hallowed by his warm-hearted gratulations. If in his death, to whose worth this feeble testimony is borne, the church has lost one of the best deacons that ever a church of Christ was blessed with, the minister feels that he has been deprived of a friend and coadjutor, of whom he must ever speak in the most unqualified terms of affection and veneration.

Life of John Heskins 1

John Heskins was bom at Nailsworth, Gloucestershire, on the 24th of November, 1778, and was descended, on the paternal side, from William Harding, one of the little band of praying men with whom the church at Shortwood originated. It was in his house that meetings were held for prayer, with occasionally a sermon, from 1707 to 1715, when they were removed to a little modest and unfinished structure on the site where, after three enlargements of the original building, tlic present large and substantial meeting-house was built in 1838. On taking possession of their humble sanctuary, thirteen persons united with each other in the fellowship of the gospel, and were formed into a church of Christ. When the foundation-stone of the present edifice was laid, our lamented friend made a public and affecting reference to his great-grandfather, abovementioned, in terms of honest and grateful satisfaction, avowing that he felt it to be a greater honour to have descended from an ancestor in humble station, who had been instrumental in planting a church of Christ, than if he could trace hack his lineage to nobility, or even royalty itself.
Mr. Heskins' father became a member of the church at Shortwood in the year 1752; he was chosen deacon about 1760, and held that office till his decease, May 2, 1813; liaving been a member of the church sixty-one years, and a deacon more than fifty years. He was a man of sterling piety, of inflexible steadiness of purpose, and uniformly secured the confidence and esteem of the church. It was his happiness to have been united with a few like-minded men in securing the services of Benjamin Francis, whose pastorate extended from 1758 to 1799 and under whose able and affectionate ministry, the little cause rapidly and steadily advanced. Mr. H.'s mother was an eminently devoted Christian, exceedingly useful m her day; and, even up to the present moment, there are those who kindle at her name, and delight to speak of her active benevolence, and the affectionate earnestness which she employed to commend the Saviour, and promote the interests of his cause.
From a very early age, the subject of this memoir was distinguished by sweetness of temper and susceptibility of feeling. At that period, these qualities greatly endeared him to his immediate relatives, who in riper years were equally attracted by his devoted attachment to his parents, and his warm and tender affection for sisters who could at once appreciate and return his love. It does not, however, appear that his heart was savingly impressed till he had nearly attained to manhood. Still, the instructions, the prayers, and the example of parents so distinguished for piety, were not without effect; for a sister, who survives him, well remembers that, while quite a child, he talked to her about the Saviour, telling her of his compassion while on earth, and presenting such a winning representation of his love as to make a strong impression on her mind.
But though in his eighth year he could thus speak of the Saviour, the days of childhood and youth passed away without witnessing his conversion to Ood. Others looked on him with hope; but, adverting to that period he himself says, "Though outwardly moral, my thoughts were big with the lusts of the flesh, and I felt hatred in my heart to the holiness of the law of God. I did not see the infinite evil of sin, nor the beauty of the way of salvation; nor did I perceive the absolute need of a God-man Mediator, to save sinners from the curse of the law. It is true I had convictions, but they were very few, and very transient; for sin being of such a hardening nature, the more I cherished it the more I was rooted in it, till at last I was brought to the verge of obstinate infidelity; so that at times I deemed the sacred word of God to be invented and written by uninspired men; and thus I trampled it under the feet of haughty pride and carnal self-sufficient reason."
It is well known to surviving friends, that at the period referred to in the above extract, his mind had been unsettled by the sophistries of deism; but, as the darkest moments arc those which immediately precede the dawn of day, so was it in his spiritual history. It pleased God at this crisis to remove by death one of his earliest friends and correspondents, Mr T Allsop, son of the respected Baptist minister of Culmstock, Devon. The reflections awakened by this event led to an earnest and faithful examination into his own state; and this work, in connexion with the counsels of Christian affection, and the statements of a searching and affectionate ministry, was blessed, not only to the defeat of an incipient scepticism, but to the surrender of his heart to God. To use his own words, "convictions that had been stifled before were revived; and I verily believe, that, under the influence of efficacious grace, they were made uncommonly useful in tearing away the thick bandage of delusion which before had covered the eyes of my mind. Thus was shown me the long black catalogue of my sins, and my awful state by nature; and the conviction was produced, that I should be utterly lost to all eternity, unless redeemed from my inexpressible load of guilt by the all-atoning blood of the I iamb of God." Thus was he brought to Christ. Speculations, fancies, the dictates of carnal reason, the sophisms of infidelity, all gave way before that discovery of sin, and that revelation of Christ, which his soul now received. In mercy to himself and the church which taught them, and counselled them, as a man knowing the vast importance of christian decision and consistency. In other instances lie caused himself to be conveyed to the scene of affliction, that he might tell yet once more of the precious Saviour, and speak of the unfailing consolations of religion. His last visit, which was less than a fortnight before his own decease, was to the bed-side of a dying friend, the relict of abrotlicr-dcacon who had been removed a few months previously. To her he presented the great truths which were the stay of his own soul, and dwelt on the joyful anticipations they might indulge in reference to that meeting in a better state which could not be far distant. She preceded him to heaven.
The last few days of his abode on earth were spent in quiet waiting for the hour of departure. No cares disturbed him—no shadow overhung his prospect —'' he knew in whom he had believed." For the church his affection remained in perfect strength, and in uninterrupted exercise; but no anxiety, even for " his beloved Sion," was now permitted to interfere with the unbroken repose of his soul. To his wife, to other much loved and long loved friends, he spake so cheerfully, and with such humble confidence, that to them it almost appeared a sin to lament his approaching death.


Obituary Sophia Heskins daughter of Benjamin Francis

The late Mrs. Sophia Heskins was born February 24, 1784, and was a daughter of that devoted servant of Jesus Christ, Benjamin Francis, who was pastor of the church at Shortwood from 1757 to 1799. There yet remain a few who remember the truly apostolic zeal of Mr. Francis, and the unction with which he preached " the unsearchable riches of Christ." Among the productions of his pen are some of the choicest of those hymns in which Christian truths are beautifully embodied, and Christian feeling most appropriately expressed: " Glory to the Eternal King," " My gracious Redeemer I love," "In sweet exalted strains," &c, &c. Towards the close of his career he was permitted to baptize his two daughters, Catherine Holbrow and Sophia. This happy event took place May 18th, 1798, and at the end of the following year his Master called for him, and he entered into rest.* The elder daughter became the wife of Mr. Thomas Flint, at that time assistant minister at Shortwood, and who, after the decease of his venerable father-in-law, succeeded to the pastorate. He finished his course at Weymouth, where the remembrance of his eloquent and faithful ministrations is still fresh and fragrant with the few of his friends and hearers who yet survive,  Mrs. Heskins, whose removal is now recorded, was united in marriage to Mr. John Heskins in the year 1802. A more suitable and happy connection could scarcely have been formed. Both had been born and nurtured in an atmosphere of piety, and all their early impressions were favourable to the formation of character, which must ever be valuable in the church of God. The writer would love to dwell on the excellences and the high qualifications of his once dear friend and counsellor—a man whose name cannot be mentioned in any circle where he was known without calling up the sincerest feelings of esteem and veneration. From their outset in domestic life, this admirable couple were not only helpmeets to each other in the ways of God, but they were eminently fellow-helpers to the truth. They had the fullest sympathy with each other in all good, and being without a family, they were enabled to give expression to their deep interest in the cause of Christ by unremitted exertions. Mr. H.'s father long held the office of deacon, with honour and usefulness, and the son, in the same office, became yet more honoured and useful than the father. During the later years of Mr. Winterbotham's pastorate, when that eminent servant of God was prevented by infirmity from engaging much in directly pastoral work, Mr. H., released from the cares of business, devoted himself almost exclusively to the service of the church, visiting the afflicted and the poor, with a heart full of love, and with a sound judgment, comforting, counselling, and in every way fulfilling the apostolic injunction, "Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ." At the same time neighbouring churches were often indebted to him for gratuitous and most acceptable ministrations. Mr. H. finished his course October 17th, 1838.*
While giving herself heartily to every good word and work, Mrs. H. was specially devoted to the interests of the young. The Sabbath school was instituted in the year 1802, and from its commencement to the close of her days, it engaged her head, and heart, and hands. For many years, in connection with one who was sooner compelled to retire from active life, but who has not yet been welcomed home, our dear friend superintended the girls' school, and often has the writer' heard the expressions of grateful love from those who, no longer young, could recur with deepest interest to the days when they shared in her attentions, and rejoiced that their children were permitted to come under her care. Mrs. H. was not a person to do anything by halves, nor was she one of those who are guided rather by impulse than by principle —a class of persons whose zeal depends on external stimulants, and on whom no reliance can be placed in a dark and clouded day. She was not fitful, but firm. Her hold on any good cause was intelligent and hearty, and was sustained by reflection and prayer. This was very manifest in every department of Christian service, but especially in the Sabbath school. She never forgot those who had once shared an interest in her efforts and her prayers. In after life she would accost them as often as opportunities occurred. If they had not become followers of Christ, she renewed her attempts to gain their hearts for him. If they were numbered with his people, she had always an appropriate word of congratulation, counsel, or caution. It is impossible for the minister of Christ to know the full amount of usefulness with which his labours have been attended, and the same is true of those who heartily and perseveringly devote themselves * A memoir of Mr. Heskins appeared in the Magazine for February, 1840. to works of faith and labours of love. This will apply to the dear friend of whom we write. But "the day will declare it," that day when all secrets will be revealed, and when the Lord himself will own his servants, and receive them to his glory. Mrs. H. was an habitual and devout reader of the Scriptures, hence she derived her motives and her strength. She could say, "Thy testimonies have I taken as an heritage for ever; for they are the rejoicing of my heart." In her early days she had been taught to prize the word of God, and her love for it increased with advancing years. In the hours of deepest sorrow, when bowed down under the bereaving stroke which left her a mourning widow, she often quoted the lines — "Thy word, which I have made my choice, Shall cheer my darkest hours." When she had attained to ripeness of years and of Christian experience, she was invariably anxious to engage young Christians in the delightful aud profitable work of searching the Scriptures. She did that herself, not simply as a devout person, but with a keen sense of their beauty and fullness, and was ever delighted with such works as served to bring out those features of the word of God which an ordinary reader would scarcely look for. Indeed, while our departed friend cannot he described as a literary person in the ordinary sense of the term, she was a reader and an admirer of good books. Her mind was above the common level, and she discovered its superiority in the class of works which she preferred. And this prepared her to enjoy the conversation of the eminent men who delighted to visit the dwelling where the holy and happy couple resided. There, among others, Chalmers and Hall spent pleasant hours, and left with strong impressions of the Christian worth and dignity of its inmates. Beneath that roof ministers and missionaries ever found a hearty welcome and a congenial home; and our beloved friend was never more gratified than when she could show hospitality in the Saviour's name to the Saviour's friends, and especially to those who lived and laboured to "testify the gospel of the grace of God." It will be inferred from the foregoing remarks, that Mrs. H. was a truly valuable member of the church with which her connection extended over more than half a century. This may be ascribed, in a great measure, to the early adoption of settled views on religion, its doctrines, and its duties. For this she was indebted in no small degree to Mr. Winterbothani's ministry, which she enjoyed without interruption during the twenty-five years of his pastorate. Sound, judicious, talented, in the best sense of the term, as full of the pure gospel as it was free from eccentricity and extravagance, dealing fairly with the whole counsel of God, and rendered attractive by an affectionate manner and by an unusual knowledge of human nature, Mr. W.'s teachings were greatly blessed to the formation of character. The influence of such a ministry on one who was fully alive to its value, must have been considerable; and then her devotional habits, and her earnest and deep regard for the word of God, concurred to establish and ripen her principles. So, with a spirit eminently catholic and loving towards all, she was firm as a rock on every question touching the essentials of the faith. The church was her home, the friends of the Saviour were her friends. She was no trifler with the Sabbath, with the house of God, with the social gatherings of the saints. She had no sympathy with those who talk of profiting by a private reading of the Scriptures, instead of honour ing the ministry of the word or the meetings for prayer; nor did she think that time well spent in whicli other engagements were needlessly permitted to interfere with those of the sanctuary. It has been the privilege of the writer to have his hands sustained, and his heart comforted, by the steadfastness of those who, in advanced years, like our departed friend, were patterns in this respect to the younger members of the flock. And if in such a case we may apply the Almighty's words, " Them that honour tnc I will honour," may we not conclude that the eminence of their piety was the result of God's blessing on their fidelity in this respect, and that their everlasting joys will be proportionably enhanced. In a brief record like the present, it would be improper to attempt an analysis of character, and the writer will only add, that, in connection with the graces which commended her to the esteem and love of her fellow-Christians, Mrs. H. possessed those qualities which all can admire—public spirit as far as it may co-exist with feminine delicacy; a high sense of honour; integrity the most unbending; activity, unshrinking and untiring, in works of general benevolence. She did not deem it necessary to seclude herself from the haunts of men, or to refrain from the enjoyments of social life, or to profess indifference to the beauties and the glories of the visible creation. Her piety enabled her both to enjoy God in all things, and to commend her religion wherever she went. At length, in a good old age, it pleased her heavenly Father to call her to a more exalted fellowship than that which she had loved and enjoyed on earth. After an affliction, not long but very severe and distressing, she died serenely, and was for ever re-united to beloved ones who had gone before to the eternal mansions and to the presence of the Lamb. If holy aud unbroken peace, child-like acquiescence in the will of God, longings after perfect holiness, a loving, grateful, tender spirit, the sweetest and most perfect reliance on the sufficiency and immutability of Christ—if these qualities, in rich and beautiful combination, •prove a soul to be on the very confines of heaven, her sorrowing friends were right when they looked on the worn and faded form with high thoughts of the glory on which she was about to enter. Utterances few but expressive, intimated that all was well. And herein was the grand power of the Cross. At the Cross she became a Christian; near the Cross she lived; the transforming influence of the Cross she had experienced; and in a dying hour the Grots was everything. Often had she sung with delight:— "Oh! the sweet wonders of that Cross On which my Saviour loved and died! Her noblest life my spirit draws Prom his dear wounds and bleeding side!" And when death was laying his cold grasp upon that outer and visible form over which he was allowed to triumph, that "noblest life" in the soul, the pure immortal vitality, defying death and hell, and secure in union to its glorious Head, had only to ascend to the world of life above. She died May 3rd, 1857, but died to live for ever. "Thus star by star declines, Till all arc pass'd away; Ac morning high and higher shines To pure and perfect day j Nor sink those Btars in empty night,
But hide themselves in heaven's own light,'*

* A memoir of Mr. Francis, with the funeral sermon, by Dr. Ryland, attached to it, was published in 1800.
+ An obituary of Mr. Flint will be found in the Magazine for June, 1844.

Heskins Beddome connection

Further to the earlier statement that a Beddome son was apprenticed to John Heskins of Nailsworth, see this advertisement in the British Museum here. It is not entirely clear which Beddome son was involved. The Norton is Robert Norton 1744-1808, originally a clothier in Bristol.